Secret 1. Build A Strong Foundation If You Want To Accomplish More

  • Post By: Aditya Amar
  • April 26, 2023

All those tall skyscrapers are awesome and engineering marvels, you get the best view from top of these structures, your horizons expand once you are there, right?

But have you ever seen what lies below those structures? The foundation is super solid and it paves the way to that super growth.

Do you want to accomplish more in life? Yes we all do want to be super achievers in life. We all want more time and more energy and needless to say more money, yes we want more love, we seek satisfaction, perfect health.
But, but are we willing to put our skin in the game or is it just wishful thinking.

A super strong personal foundation needs few action points:

1.  Integrity is on top.
2. Resolve all key issues in your personal affairs or work. Don’t leave anything unresolved.
3. Identify your personal and emotional needs, go and meet them, don’t wait.
4. Create your boundaries, no one can overstep them.
5. Make your standards gradually, meet them always.
6. Dont be bothered by stupid and petty issued/annoyances.
7. Stay in your positive zone, be pragmatic, practice will take you there.
8. Small but robust circle of friends and family who will nurture you, return the favor.
9. Be a part of a strong community that stretches you and develops you.
10. Create a life focused around your fundamental core values.

Anyone who wants to lead a “successful” life needs to have a clear and big vision. You can only admire stars only when you are sure of your solid ground and not worry about falling flat. These fundamental practices will enable you to use your skills and knowledge to your full potential, you will be able to focus clearly on your big vision instead of firefighting petty issues every now and than.

Going back to that skyscraper, if you have big goals, you need deep and strong foundation to accomplish your BIG idea.

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