Pranayama: Breathwork Explained

  • Post By: Aditya Amar
  • April 21, 2023

Pranayama is an important part of ashtang yoga or one of the eight limbs of Yoga and it consists of beautifully mastered conscious breathing exercises this has been prevalent for thousands of years as directed by Rishi Patanjali. Lots of research on Pranayama have shown to the modern world various health benefits it offers for a healthy body and virtuous mind.
Pranayama simply means the well-controlled and practiced inflow of vital energy, Prana, to the body in the form of breathing and numerous benefits to modern man:

1. Reduction of stress and diseases related to anxiety

It has been documented and even modern medicine practitioners have admitted to the help Pranayama offers to combat unnecessary stress related to modern loving and anxiety goes down with regular practice. A peaceful and balanced breathing routine for a short duration is believed to activate the unattainable parts of our nervous system. It brings calm and stability to our vital system. Specifically, Anulom vilom and Ujjayi pranayama work wonder in the reduction of such stress-related health issues.
2. Respiratory system is revitalized:

Regular practice of Pranayama can surely work for you in taking charge of your lung elasticity and respiratory tracts in the body, it increases our breath-holding capacity and oxygen intake as well.
Kapalbhati pranayama is believed to strengthen the tissues and muscles involved in respiratory function. This specific pranayama is practiced with fast and forceful exhaling of breath in a short time which helps in the improvement of purification of the lungs.

3. Immunity booster:

Covid 19 has indeed taught us the significance of good immunity, or survival of the fittest. Yogic breathing or simply put, Pranayama has the right answer for you. Controlled and really deep breathing increases the flow of oxygen into our lungs and it enhances the performance of the lymphatic system of our bodies, which in turn helps in fighting off serious and regular infections and viruses around us.

4. Improves mental balance and clarity:

Our mental peace and capability to concentrate take a beating with regular issues and traumas around us. Pranayama can be a big help for stability and mental health. Balanced, rhythmic breathing can bring us calmness and serenity leading to reduced mental clutter and unnecessary negative thoughts. Regular practice of pranayama and meditation can surely improve your IQ scores over a period of time.

5. Helps you with Insomnia

Reduction in stress and overall calmness assures us of a better quality of sleep and relaxation. Yoga Nidra and the practice of pranayama before retiring to bed bring in calmness of mind one peaceful sleep. Bhramari pranayama can work wonders for you in combating insomnia or sleepless nights.

6. Better Digestive Health

Regular practice of Kapalbhati Pranayama in particular helps in the reduction of stress for the overall body and digestive system in particular, it relieves you of constipation and all of us know that gut health is of utmost importance.

7. Balanced Blood Pressure

Relaxation and lower blood pressure are assured with regular practice of Ujjayi Pranayama over a period of time under proper guidance. Pranayama is a proper science that brings in various health qualities for the overall well-being of body, mind, and soul. It brings calmness, low blood pressure, and a better digestive system with much better clarity and better quality of sleep. Regular practice of pranayama as a daily routine assures us of better health and quality of life.

Thus, Yoga and Meditation in Uttarakhand are immensely beneficial.

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