Ayurveda And Covid19

  • Post By: Aditya Amar
  • May 19, 2021

Covid 19 has devastated our emotional, physical and economical health completely. We faced first wave in 2020 and when we were under the impression that the worst is over suddenly we had second wave which was obviously more potent abd fatal as compared to the first wave and all of us have lost our family members and friends, across. But this virus is not stopping here as experts are now talking about 3rd wave and so on. So what do we do? Should we be confining ourselves to the four walls of our homes or should we take charge of our health and learn to live with it?

I am sure all of us are consuming news and score cards and statistics on the screens are scary. The world has lost faith in healthcare and hospitals, there is utter confusion over plasma therapies, vaccines and oxygen etc. If we look at it, who is to be blamed, we can blame the governments, we can blame China or we can easily blame the hospitals and authorities. But the harsh reality is that these kinds of bio wars are here to stay now. We have no option but to take charge of health and wellbeing of our loved ones on a war footing. We need to be careful, calm and composed as fear and anxiety might decrease our immunity and even allow this virus to damage our system more.

So do not panic and just follow basic things like regular use of facemask, hand wash, social distancing, fresh/healthy food and yoga with breathing exercises. If you have any issue consult with your Doctor.

Fortunately, most of the people are recovering within few weeks but it has been noted that corona is causing multiple side effects on the body. It is not only targeting lungs but it ialso affecting other organs like heart, liver, brain and even causing blood clotting in some patients as well.

Scope of Ayurveda in this Epidemic-
Let simplify the usage of Ayurveda treatments and Panchakarma treatments to help people by dividing the treatment in three stages:

A: Prevention

B: Treatment

C: Post Covid recovery

In Ayurveda it is mentioned in Charka Samhita, Vimana sthana in the chapter of Janopdwamsa about the protocol during such pandemic.

चतुष्र्वपि तु दुष्टेषु कालान्तेषु यदा नराः। भेषजेनोपपाद्यन्ते न भवन्त्यातुरास्तदा ।।
येषां न मृत्युसामान्यं सामान्यं न च कर्मणाम्। कर्म पश्चविधं तेषां भेषजं परमुच्यते।।
रसायनानां विधिवच्चोपयोगः प्रश्स्यते। शस्यते देहवृत्तिश्च भेषजैः पूर्वमुद्धृतैः।।

When air, water, atmosphere and time is poisonous or full of virus and bacteria that time if we treat people with medicine then they will not fall ill. If they are ill and disease in not severe then Panchakarma is advised, after that rasayana chikitsa (rejuvenation) is required.

Prevention- For preventing one should take care of their immunity by proper lifestyle, diet and yoga. One should follow Ayurveda lifestyle (Dincharya) as per season and eat seasonal fruits, vegetables and do Yogic exercise accordingly.

Treatment – If you are ill, then call your Ayurveda doctor and add Ayurveda medicine with other medicines which is prescribed by Health ministry. It has been noted that so many mild to moderate cases has been cured successfully by Ayurveda in different government Ayurveda institute all over India.

Post Covid recovery-
Now the important question arises what to do once you have recovered from corona?

As Corona virus leaves impact on body and there will be inflammation in the body (toxins or Ama) we need an approach which includes Shodana(detoxification) and Rasayana (Rejuvenation) both, together because this process will heal your body completely.

Shodhana chikitsa- This process will flush out toxins from body and keep your immune system battle ready. We can use Panchakarma like Vamana, Virechna, Basti, Nasyam, Raktamokshana as per need because Shodhana is totally depends upon patient to patient.

Rasayana chikitsa- Rasayana or rejuvenation therapies and medicine helps to rejuvenate weak body and find a new healthy you after this process. In this we use different Ayurveda therapies like Potli, Pizichil, Navara kizhi, Kashaya dhara etc.

Cottage nirvana is one of the best Ayurveda hospital in Uttarakhand and we run regular stress management programs. At Cottage Nirvana, we are ready to provide you post Covid treatments to make you recover from the weakness and stress of Covid. Our team of expert doctors and trained therapists ensure that we are a leading best panchkarma centre in Uttarakhand and it’s a beautiful space for Yoga and Ayurveda treatments .

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