Ayurvedic Rejuvenation & Detoxification Therapy


Any illness or ageing is associated with the functional decline of all tissues and our body cells over a period of time and especially with growing age. If this process is not checked and further more, if our lifestyle is poor and we are not in control of our food, hygiene and pollution etc, We all witness several diseases taking shape. Naturally ageing is a natural process but we need to understand and adapt positive lifestyle changes or in other words, rejuvenate.

Poor air, polluted water, contaminated surroundings and chemical laden food is our harsh reality but we need to take charge of our health and try to slow down this process of aging and decay in our health. With Ayurveda and other traditional wisdom like Yoga and Meditation, we can adopt best practices of rejuvenation for ourselves and our loved ones.

We have witnessed green revolution and white revolution in food around us in last 30-40 years, if the current scientific model of nutrition and food was working for us, why is majority of our population becoming fatter and unhealthier than ever?

High time, we go back to our roots and traditional wisdom of Ayurveda with preventive care with detox, cleansing and Panchakarma. It literally means regular servicing of our systems so that we continue to operate at our best and achieve better health, both physical as well as emotional.

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