Migraine Treatment

Migraine is a common neurological condition that normally occurs due to abnormal brain activity affecting nerve signals, chemicals and blood vessels in the brain. The moderate or severe pulsing pain generally occurs in the forehead, the side of the head, or around the eyes. The headache increasingly gets worse over a period of time.
Side effects of Migraine are many nausea, vomiting, numbess, irritation, tingling, sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last from 3-72 hours and the pain can be severe.

Migraine Causes

The cause of migraine is not fully understood, but it can be genetics, changes in the brain and its interactions with the trigeminal nerve might be involved. Imbalances in the brain chemicals – Serotonin regulates pain in nervous system.

The trigger or causes can be many:

Emotional triggers:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Tension
  • Shock
  • Depression
  • Excitement

Physical triggers

  • Tiredness
  • Poor-Quality Sleep
  • Shift Work
  • Poor Posture
  • Neck or Shoulder Tension
  • Jet Lag
  • Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycaemia)
Migraine Treatment
Diet triggers

  • Missed, Delayed or Irregular Meals
  • Dehydration
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine Products such as Tea and Coffee
  • Specific Foods such as Chocolate and Citrus fruit
  • Foods Containing Tyramine

Unfortunately there can be several routine environmental triggers as well like,
Bright lights, flickering screens, such as a television or computer screen, it’s a serious issue these days due to so called digital revolution around us, pollution/Smoking (or smoky rooms),loud noises can also stimulate the condition. And strong smells.

Certain medicines also can  trigger the condition, eg:

Some types of sleeping tablets, contraceptive pills, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) used to relieve symptoms associated with menopause etc.

Ayurveda has customized research and evidence-based treatments based on the severity of migraine. Combination of regular ayurvedic treatment with medication will work best for you and its the safest way to treat Migraine along with balanced diet and lifestyle alterations under expert guidance at Cottage Nirvana, Mukteshwar without any side effects & complications.

Migraine treatment in Mukteshwar
Migraine treatment in Mukteshwar at Cottage Nirvana consists of :

  • body detoxification
  • natural ayurvedic remedies
  • Diet and lifestyle changes
  • Meditation and other relaxation techniques.

All these procedures will be done under expert supervision.
To treat migraine, Ayurveda uses natural methods meant to promote “Dosha” balance.
An Ayurvedic practitioner can help you decide which methods are right for you.
Your treatment plan may include any combination of the following:
Panchakarma therapy
Panchakarma therapy is meant to detoxify, or purify, the body. This is said to remove toxins contributing to your migraine.
Examples of purification treatments include:

  • pouring medicated oil into the nose (nasya karma)
  • whole body oil massage
  • Consuming medicated ghee.
  • Steam/sweating therapy.

Panchakarma therapy may also involve lifestyle changes meant to promote overall wellness.
Let’s give you an insight into some of these options.
Yoga is an ancient practice that brings union and balance between your mind and body. It incorporates various breathing techniques and poses to promote relaxation.
By calming your mind and body, yoga helps ease stress and anxiety and may also reduce sensitivity to pain, including migraine pain.
According to studies, people who practiced yoga while following their regular migraine treatment reduced the frequency and severity of their migraine attacks.
SpecificYoga postures/asanas may help boost your circulation and increase blood flow to your brain specifically.
Poses that may be especially beneficial for migraine relief include:

  • Child’s Pose
  • Downward-Facing Dog
  • Bridge Pose
Regular movement/exercise:
Scientific evidence suggests that regular exercise may reduce the frequency of migraine attacks and also help manage symptoms to a large extent.
We all know that when you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which are natural pain relievers. These also elevate your mood.
This may be especially beneficial if you’re prone to stress and anxiety, which are common migraine triggers.
You don’t need to do strenuous exercise to reap the rewards of physical activity. Moderate exercise like cardion, brisk walking, cycling, swimming at a leisurely pace may help relieve stress and support overall wellness.
Relaxation Techniques:
Various relaxation techniques use the link between your mind and body to help reduce stress and tension.
Research shows that these techniques can also help ease stress symptoms, such as pain, headaches, and high blood pressure.
Some relaxation techniques that may be especially helpful for reducing the symptoms of stress and anxiety include the following:

  • Deep breathing/Pranayama. Also known as belly breathing, this technique involves breathing deeply from your belly, not from your chest. When you breathe more deeply, you nourish your body with oxygen, creating a calming effect.
  • Meditation or mindfulness. Meditation and other mindfulness practices help you focus on the present moment instead of distracting thoughts of the past or future. This can help you think more clearly and change the way you respond to stress.
  • Yog NIdra involves tightening and then relaxing different muscle groups in your body. You usually start at your head or feet and work your way up or down, focusing on one muscle group at a time. This may help reduce stress, ease anxiety, and lower blood pressure.
  • Mental imagery. Also known as guided imagery, this technique involves conjuring up a picture in your mind of a place that makes you feel happy and relaxed. These mental images can have a calming effect on your body.
Relaxation Techniques
A Pathyadi decoction is a liquid supplement made from multiple herbs. It’s created by heating or boiling plants to create a concentrated liquid.
For migraine treatment, a Pathyadi decoction will include herbs with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Examples are:

  • myrobalan
  • beleric
  • amla berry
  • turmeric
  • Neem.
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